
After returning home from a month-long vacation, a woman wakes up the next morning to discover a stranger sleeping on her couch

Megan was thirty-four, never married, had no kids, and worked a demanding job as a producer. She was tired of hearing questions about her personal life from her mother, but deep down, she knew her mother was right—it was time to change something. Little did she know, the change would find her first.

It was a late evening, and Megan was driving home after a long, exhausting month of what was supposed to be a vacation.

Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as she chatted on the phone with her mother, Dina. The road ahead was quiet, with only the faint glow of the car’s headlights cutting through the darkness.

Despite the peace outside, Megan felt anything but relaxed.

“Megan, I don’t understand how you can go on vacation and still work the entire time!” her mother’s voice echoed through the car’s speaker. The concern in Dina’s tone was unmistakable.

“You’re always on your phone, always busy. You’re 34 years old, dear. When are you going to start focusing on yourself, on your personal life?”

Megan rolled her eyes, though she knew her mother couldn’t see her. A hint of frustration crept into her voice.

“Mom, I didn’t have much choice. Things never go as planned at work, and as a producer, my attention is needed constantly. You know that.”

Dina, persistent as always, wasn’t ready to let the conversation drop.

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