
The Groom’s In-Laws Mock His Mother, a Janitor, Until She Steps Up to Give a Speech for the Newlyweds

Often, people will pass unnecessary judgments without knowing someone’s story. This was the case for Maria, who worked every day to give her son the best chance at a bright future. One day, Maria proved everyone’s assumptions wrong.

Maria’s life had always been an uphill battle. She came from a poor background and, despite her best efforts, always seemed to get the short end of the stick. She dedicated her life to ensuring that her son, Aiden, had the best upbringing possible.

She worked for a cleaning company as a janitor and often struggled to make ends meet. Maria worked 12 hours daily to ensure that she could feed Aiden and that he was taken care of. Once he was old enough, she sent him to a good boarding school in the suburbs.

“I’m gonna work real hard off to make sure you can attend college. Momma’s got you covered, okay,” she told Aiden before he boarded the bus. Maria made sure to write to Aiden every chance that she could.

Years later, Aiden excelled in science and told her he had the opportunity to job shadow a doctor at a medical practice. He decided that’s what he wanted to be when he grew up. Aiden also revealed to Maria that he met a girl named Linda while job shadowing and the two had started dating.

“Just remember, some of us might come from nothing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be something.”
It turned out that Linda was the daughter of another doctor at the practice that Aiden had visited. “Listen, son, I don’t want you to get your heart broken. But Linda comes from wealth, and her family might look down on you,” Maria wrote to her son.

“Don’t worry, mom. She knows where we’re from, and she doesn’t care. She loves me as I am. Trust me, you’ll see,” Aiden wrote back. Aiden and Linda stayed together after graduating high school and attended the same college.

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