
WATCH: Hannity Trashes Tarlov, Fact-Check’s Her on Biden’s “Cognitive Decline”

In an absolutely hilarious doozy of a verbal explosion on Fox News Channel that occurred way back in January of 2023, show host and personality Sean Hannity sounded off on President Joe Biden and pressured leftist FNC personality Jessica Tarlov to comment on the cognitive health of the elderly president.

The spat began with Hannity asking Tarlov quite directly how she sees the cognitive health of the former president, a question made relevant even then, back in January of 2023, a year and a half before the elderly president dropped out of the presidential race. He asked, “Joe Biden is a cognitive mess. You agree?”

Tarlov replied, quite sharply, “No.” Hannity, acting bewildered, asked, “You don’t agree with that?” She told him that she doesn’t agree in the slightest with the assertion that Biden is a cognitive basketcase, though she admits that he has “slowed down” some. She said, “No, not at all. No, I certainly think that he has slowed down from 2020”

She fired back, “Yeah, you want to talk? You want to talk about cognitive decline?” Hannity told her, referencing former President Donald Trump, “Haley mixed up with Nancy Pelosi one time, and a guy that could speak for five hours straight without making a mistake.” Tarlov interjected, saying, “Rambling is not speaking for five hours straight, including things like,’ look what happens when I put magnets in water.”

Continuing, Tarlov said, “It’s not a small thing. If Joe Biden had confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, so they have in common the first letter of their names…” Hannity interjected, speaking of President Biden and saying, “he has not had an incident-free speech or appearance…he mumbles, bumbles and stumbles or somebody has to escort him stage left or stage right, because he has no clue.”

Then, another participant chimed in and said, also speaking of President Joe Biden, “They don’t let him speak to reporters. They keep him on a very short leash for a reason.” Tarlov, responding, said, “If you guys think that people are sitting at home and watching Donald Trump talk about ‘Joe Biden’s going to get us into World War Two,’ or ‘I need an ID to buy a loaf of bread’ or that ‘we’re going to buy…actually, this is all intentional. I’m trying to throw you off the scent.’ The man is bragging about passing a test brain damage”

Hannity, firing back, told Tarlov that he plays tapes every single night of President Joe Biden making mistakes but she only brought up a few of Trump’s, saying, “I find this amazing. Joe Biden has been a cognitive mess, and almost every night I play tapes on this show. And then there’s three mistakes of Donald Trump.”

Watch their spat here:

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